In order to trust God for health and healing, it helps to know that he is the creator through His Son. Christ not only created this world and everything in it, but He is the Great Physician that has never lost a case. He wants us to have health. We often get sick from violation of the laws of health and He allows sickness to bring us to repentance to turn to a better and more abundant life walking with Him.
Sometimes, accidents bring problems to our bodies and we are called to trust Him no matter what. If a person becomes paralyzed, the temptation would come to doubt God’s goodness. But, we are to praise God no matter what our lot in life. We are to praise Him if He heals us now or if He says wait. We know from stories in the Bible that the Great Physician can heal anything. We must continue to ask in faith and praise Him continually. I hope these next four videos will give you a picture of our loving creator. Be blessed as I read these precious words from the second chapter of Patriarchs and Prophets beside my beautiful section of Clear Creek.