Trusting in divine power for healing isn’t possible if we distrust God’s written word. If God can’t create this earth and solar system in 7 days, how are we going to trust Him to heal us? If any thought at all is given to God starting things and then each day being a long age of time, then we would have to call ourselves theistic evolutionists. A full evolutionist would believe that God had nothing to do with creating this earth. Now, if we believe in any evolution, how will we have the faith to believe that God can “speak the word only and my servant shall be healed?” The Centurian had the faith to believe that Jesus could create or recreate/heal by speaking a word. Healing can happen instantly. Jesus said, “According to thy faith be it unto you.” So, why do people not get healed instantly most of the time? Is it because they have an evolving faith rather than a creative word faith? I believe that we need to understand how God created this earth in 7 days and is able to heal us immediately or allow us to be tested for a time to increase our faith and trust in Him. I recommend you watch the following three videos in which I read Chapter 3 of Patriarchs and Prophets called The Literal Week. So many people are stuck indoors living in the city and can’t just go outside and enjoy a nearby creek. That is why I chose to read this wonderful book by a creek so you can relax and be healed by the sounds of the water rushing over the rocks.
God is a loving God and he can do anything he want’s
That is so true. Thanks, Lisa.