Did you see that? Trusting in divine power is a natural remedy. This remedy is listed last but is the most important. Who or what is this divine power that we should trust anyway? Is it the Universe or is it a god of love that loves us so much that He was willing to allow His son to die for us? I believe that for there to be divine power, there has to be an all-powerful God. Sadly, God has been misunderstood and misrepresented as an unjust and uncaring god. Why would a loving God allow sin to just go on and on? Why wasn’t Satan just destroyed in the first place so we wouldn’t have this terrible sinful world to live in? These kinds of questions lingering in the back recesses of the mind or screaming loudly in the foreground will weaken or totally nullify this true remedy of trusting in divine power.
I have a suggestion. Ellen White has written a book called Patriarchs and Prophets. In this book, she writes about the very beginning of controversy between Christ and Satan. I would like to share the first chapter with you. It is called, “Why Was Sin Permitted?” I read the book while pointing my camera at the beauty of my creek. If you are stuck in the city where it is hard to see God in nature, then you can watch these videos and enjoy my creek and learn about the God of love that I serve. As you learn to understand Him and to know His true character, you will learn to love Him and trust Him.
Thanks for your ministry!
You are welcome, Eric.
Thanks for your input on facebook. I did hear it and it was wonderful. Thank you for your work on this. It is delightful to hear with the waterfall in the background. Lovely.
Praise God.
You are welcome. I made these videos some time ago and I share them some on Facebook, but this is better. Now they have a permanent home. The sound you hear is actually not my pretty waterfall, but the place in the creek where the water is going over rocks. It is so fun to live by a creek and to always hear it. I am glad to share it with you. I hope you got to hear all four videos so you could hear the whole chapter. Praise God for giving me the ability to record with a good camera.