It is so much easier for me to just take scripture that already has the words written and put it to music.  Both my parents loved to write poetry.  My sister, Trina, is also gifted in this area, and she often writes her own songs.  One day, when I had been studying some heavy spiritual topics, I was impressed that many Christians have fallen into the trap of having other Gods in their lives.  Without much thought,  this song came to me in one day.  I called it No Other Gods.  It combined verses and scripture.  When I first sang it at the Bellflower SDA Church, one of my friends told me that she kept hearing the words “Why oh why will ye die?” in her mind.  It is a solemn thought.  Over the years, I was tempted to fall back into the world’s entertainment and the words of this song also called to my heart.  How could I sing it if I was choosing other Gods?  Happily, I have chosen to serve the Lord all the way and have put away these strange Gods.  

I eventually made an album on cassette of 10 songs and I named the album No Other Gods for this song.  My music is on Bandcamp and you can find this song at the following link.  You can download it on your device and hear it over and over to motivate you and that you might learn the words.  

The following video was recorded at a Bible Explorations camp meeting.  I share some insights before the song on how Jesus says we are all gods.  We are to be filled with His Holy Spirit.  We are also told not to have any other gods in us.  It is very serious that we make sure that we are not serving other gods for they will find ways to come in and take the place of the Holy Spirit.  We need to repent and get all the strange gods out of our lives by God’s all-powerful grace.  

Lyrics and music by Tamara Luevano and verse 5 based on Joshua 24:14-16, 23,24. Chorus is based on Exodus 20:3, Luke 10:27, Ezekiel 18:31. Orchestral accompaniment by Ritchie Carbajol.


1. The God of mammon gets the weak. Earthly riches men will seek. Spend your money on yourself. Remember not to share your wealth.
2. The TV is the modern Baal. Satan’s evils still prevail. So called Christians waste their time, on lust and violence news and crime.
3. The God of Pleasure Christians seek, for fun and excitement during the week. They love to laugh and joke and play. The Lord will come some other day.
4, The God of Fashion, she is bold compared to pious ways of old. She will teach you how to dress but not to cover nakedness.
5. Now this message isn’t new. Joshua told his people too. “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him, in sincerity, and in truth, and put away these strange gods and serve ye the Lord. And if it seem evil to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
And the people said, “God forbid that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods.”
“Put away the strange gods which are among you, and incline your heart unto the Lord God of Israel.”
And the people said, The Lord our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey.”
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt love the Lord with all your heart, with all your strength and all your mind. Why, oh why, will ye die.
Final Chorus:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt love the Lord with all your heart, with all your strength and all your mind. And if you choose to serve these gods, all I can ask is Why, oh why, will ye die: Why, oh why, will ye die?