I am not Dr. Dolittle, but I wish that I was.   How I long to be able to talk with animals and to know what they are saying back to me.  In heaven, that will be a reality.  But, in the meantime, I really enjoy gobbling with the turkeys!  

It is not uncommon for me to see a rafter, or flock, of turkeys along the road as I would be driving to work.  It is too hard for me to resist not to roll down my window and start gobbling with the Toms.  Some have gotten very angry and attacked my truck.  As I drove away, one or two toms would chase me down the road.  It was so funny to watch.  They are making sure that I won’t take their hens away from them.  They would have their tail feathers all spread out in a fan and the body feathers would be all puffed up to make them look big and dangerous.  In fact, they can be very aggressive and can peck with their beaks or hit you with their wings.  I have seen some pretty funny YouTube videos of people being chased by turkeys.    

One Saturday morning, I was reading in my bed when I heard a turkey gobble right outside my house.  I hurried to get my shoes on so I could video it and have some fun talking with it.  By the time I got outside, It had already traveled way down the driveway.  I turned on my phone and videoed my interaction with him.  He was all puffed up and beautiful.  He was brave at first to challenge this strange-looking turkey, me, and then he became afraid and ran off down the road.  Imagine my disdain to find out that I didn’t hit the record button correctly and nothing was recorded.  I was so disappointed!

A few days later, I heard him gobble outside my house again.  I grabbed my phone and was out the door in a flash.  I made sure that the camera was recording this time.  I consider myself a pretty good photographer, but sometimes it is hard to see the phone screen perfectly.  I did the best that I could.  This time, the turkey didn’t puff up for me, but he did respond to me saying, “Gobble, gobble, gobble.”  Have any of you ever talked with a turkey?  Do share in the comments.  I would love to read your story.  I am releasing this post for Thanksgiving and I wish you all a happy one despite all the Covid-19 restrictions.  This video is short, so there is no excuse not to watch it all.  I will leave a link for the YouTube channel so you can go to the channel and Like and Subscribe if you haven’t already.  Enjoy!

We have all heard about vital force and how we start with a certain amount and we can preserve it or waste it.  It always seemed so mysterious until I heard about telomeres.  I am including a video for you to watch on what they are and I am sharing a product that I took for two years and it helped my hair to grow long again.  I recently ordered another bottle and I can’t wait to start taking it again.  Try it for at least 3 months to see if you notice a difference.  This product is called Isagenesis and is available at my website.  Here is the link.
