Psalm 57 is a prayer for deliverance where David presents his problems mixed with praises to the all-powerful God where he puts his trust.
Psalm 57 is a Prayer for Deliverance
This Psalm was written when David was hiding in a cave while fleeing from King Saul. Sadly, King Saul was chasing after David and his small band of men with an army seeking to take his life. So, David turned to the all-powerful God that had delivered him from a bear, lion, and Goliath.
It is a Prayer of Praise
In this beautiful psalm, David is pleading for mercy as he shares his problems with God. But, David intersperses his problems with praises to God. We can certainly take a lesson from this kind of prayer. It is so easy for us to tell God about our problems. But, when we focus on our problems, we come to doubt whether God can actually solve those problems. So, if we want to see answers to our prayers and see our problems solved, we need to be praising God and acknowledging how all-powerful He is, and believe that he can deliver us from anything.
The Melody of Psalm 57
Unfortunately, we don’t know the melodies for the Psalms. It is hard to believe that they weren’t passed down from generation to generation. Even if we had the melody, it would probably not fit too well in English. I like to put a melody to scripture so that I can memorize it. Since I loved the words of Psalm 57, I decided it was a worthy project.
I was actually on a trip to Yosemite with my friends Galen and Jeanette when I started the project. While we drove there, and then from place to place, I passed the time by trying out melodies for the different phrases. This is the only song that I have done where I asked my friends if they liked the melody. If it didn’t pass, I tried another one. It is my prayer that you will be pleased with the result. Feel free to memorize it and sing the prayer to your all-powerful God and Father.
Watch the Video
On January 22, 2022, I sang this song a Capella at the Redding SDA Church. Wanting my voice to be perfect, I thought a little lemon essential oil in my water would clear any mucous and allow me to sing without any problems. Well, it did just the opposite making it so I could barely sing. I decided to go ahead with the song and did my very best to make my voice cooperate. Friends at church said that it wasn’t too bad and that I should go ahead and share it. At the end of the song, my voice really wavered and I couldn’t help but laugh. Hopefully, you will still receive a blessing.
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