I was written up for violations of county codes while I was married. After my divorce, I began the process of getting things permitted.

Reported by a Neighbor

One of my neighbors believed that her property extended to across from my driveway. Hence, when my husband started to use our tractor to make a road up the mountain for the water tank, she saw the activity and reported to the Shasta County Resource Management that we were grating without a permit. In the meantime, my husband realized that the mountain was too steep to make a road and had stopped.

The Inspector and the Gun

One day, an inspector arrived. My husband was the only one at home. He told the inspector that he didn’t have jurisdiction and must leave the property. The inspector argued that he did. Finally, my husband pulled out his handgun, held it in his palm, and told the inspector that his gun said that he had to leave.  So, the inspector left.

My terrified husband called me at work saying that I needed to come home right away. He told me what had happened and he needed to be able to leave. I told him that I couldn’t leave work. So, he called the police to see if they were going to be coming to arrest him. They said they weren’t.

Written up for Violations of County Codes

The inspector came back with a warrant and an officer, but no one was home. He had the opportunity to write up all the code violations that he could find. He left the yellow copy on our motorhome door. The violations were as follows:

Grading without a permit

Illegal habitation of an RV on private property

Sewage disposal without a permit

Unlawful sewage disposal (open to air)

Public Nuisance

Unpermitted use of a generator

This was to be corrected in 26 days with a recheck in 30 days.

Violations Fixed the Patriot Way

Immediately, my husband contacted a friend for help in dealing with these violations the Patriot way. This involved some interesting paperwork that I was encouraged to sign. It told the county and the judge who signed the search warrant that they had to stay off this property and had no jurisdiction. In the last part of the video below, I will read some of the paperwork. You have to know what you are doing or you could get booted off your land.

Fixing the Violations with the Inspector

After my divorce, some time went by before I thought I had better get in to speak with the county inspector. I went to the Shasta County Resource Management and asked to speak with him because  I knew that I would not be able to fight them in court. He was very nice and said that he had asked the neighbors about me and they said that I was nice. I apologized for my husband’s behavior with the gun.  We discussed the violations and he said that I should work towards correcting them and email him about the progress.

Watch the Video

Thus began my journey to get the violations corrected and permitted. Now you can watch the video for a few more details about what happened. If you ever get violations from the county, don’t be afraid to deal with them. they will work with you to help you succeed.


If you missed the posts about when we put in our unpermitted septic tank and leach field, you can click on them below.

We Put in an Unpermitted Leach Field

We Put in an Unpermitted Septic Tank