I have lived in French Gulch for 8 years now, and the original pets have changed over the years.  I currently have 7 cats.  The five males are Trigger, Wolfy, Columbus, Rory, and Moedim.  The two females are Kika and Freya.  I have three rabbits with two males named Prince Charlie and Sir Night and the female is named Foo Foo Bunny. I will be sharing about the pets I had when my family arrived here and althe so pets I had in Fallbrook.  I will also be sharing how each of these dear pets arrived.  Each of them has their own personality and each often offers friendship at different times, so that I don’t get swamped with seven cats all at once wanting to sit on my lap.  The rabbits aren’t very affectionate, but they make interesting pets and do enjoy being petted above the nose on their terms.

I wish I could say that we are one big happy Christian family, but there is sadly a bit of fighting that goes on.  My cat, Trigger, was recently reintroduced into the family after about three years of being with my ex-husband, and he and Wolfy are often fighting for dominance.  Some of the other males also bother Trigger.  Kika and Freya are often fighting and it seems that Kika wants to be the dominant one.  The rabbit brothers will fight to the death if left together, even though they and the female have been neutered and spayed.

Now that I am living alone in this vast land, it is nice to have pets to keep me company.  Truthfully, all through my childhood, my pets have been my friends when human friends and family seemed to not meet my needs.  I was lonely in both my marriages, and it was nice to be able to turn to God for encouragement, but I also had my pets be my faithful and forever-friends that freely gave unconditional love.

Trigger is the oldest cat.  He was friends with Columbus, Rory and Kika’s mom.  He did not like the kittens.  They all tolerated each other.  When we divorced my ex took him.  Three years later, I brought him home when I found out he was basically deserted with no one to take him into their home. He was fed, but was mostly on his own.  He doesn’t want to submit to Wolfy who is the dominant male, so there are constant fights.  He has a scratch on his nose to prove it. 

Wolfy is the next oldest.  He is only about two months older than Columbus, Rory, and Kika.  He is lightweight, but all the others love him and acknowledge him as the boss.  He is constantly starting fights with Trigger even though Trigger is much larger than him.  Wolfy uses a cat harness to go on walks, but Trigger and Columbus have to use a small dog harness.  

Columbus is mostly a gentle giant.  He is usually the first one to welcome in a new cat.  This was not the case with Trigger.  Trigger doesn’t seem to want to have any friends.  Maybe they all ganged up on him and he doesn’t trust them, but he has also shown himself to be antagonistic with them.  Columbus is crazy about jumping on my shoulders to go for a ride.  Wolfy will also do it if he thinks it will get him outside.

Rory is shy and wary of people he doesn’t know.  My son teased him when he was little so he gets scared real easy.  He hates to be held unless on his terms.  He is afraid of restraint like something bad is going to happen to him, like a bath or getting his toenails trimmed.  He has been following Trigger around trying to take him on.  

Moedim is the youngest cat and just turned a year old.  He was found rolling between two cars on a freeway.  He loves to play, and when he first came,  he was attacking the cats in their eyes or biting off their hair on the top of the head.  He has followed Trigger around cautiously.  He gets along with Kika, but Freya attacks him to put him in his place.  

Freya was a young female that was feral.  She was attracted to my cats that were in a fenced yard.  With winter approaching, I bought a cage to catch her.   She has been shy and skittish and quick to hide under my bed.  She loves Wolfy and Columbus the most.  She hisses and growls at Trigger.  I have seen her attack Moedim and Rory.  She runs from Kika, but at mealtime stands up to her.  

Kika wants to be the alpha female and so chases Freya under my bed.  I have seen her viciously attack my bed or the cat tree to take out her wrath when she couldn’t get Freya.   She is cautious around Trigger.  She gets along with all the other males and will even sleep with Moedim.   She is my talker and likes to be held and rocked in my arms.  

Foo Foo Bunny was all by herself for a long time and only had cats for friends.  She came from a family that had cats and dogs.  She knew how to stand up for herself.  She would chase almost all the cats out of the back yard by biting them in the back of their legs.  Wolfy was her friend and she would snuggle up to him.  She is much happier to have two more rabbits to keep her company.  

Sir Night spent his early life in a cage to be raised as a meat bunny.  He can be aggressive when he is brought food.  He will growl, lash out with his front paws or even bite.  He won’t bite if he is petted first.  I have been bitten twice.  He is also rough with Foo Foo Bunny chasing her away from the food dish.  

Prince Charlie and his brother came from a woman who kindly bought them and others that were being sold as meat rabbits.  Charlie can be shy but will allow himself to be petted.  He is gentle with Foo Foo Bunny who is much smaller.  Both males can be picked up easily.  Foo Foo kicks as if her life depended on it if she is picked up.  The brothers are kept separate due to fighting.  

I have had dogs growing up and while living in Fallbrook, CA.  They make great loyal friends that love to go for walks out in nature.  We didn’t have a dog at the time we moved, and I didn’t think it was a good idea to get one since I wouldn’t have time to walk the dog and I needed another area fenced for a dog.   It snows here and I wouldn’t feel right about keeping a dog outside in the cold.  I work long hours and It would be inside all day with no one to take it out to do its business.  Another problem is the poison oak which is all over this property and surrounding my house.  Dogs love to run free and swim in things like creeks and I would be sure to get poison oak. I do enjoy walks in nature, and so, I bought some cat harnesses and leashes and I take my cats for walks.  Wolfy is the most like a dog and loves to go for walks.  He actually demands it.  Trigger likes to go for walks but is very insulted to have to wear a harness when he never had to before.  Columbus likes to go out for walks but gets terrified if a logging truck or any vehicle drives by.  Moedim likes to go but doesn’t demand it like the others.  Kika, Freya, and Rory would rather run and hide than to go outside.  I catch them once in a while to give them a chance to get outside to eat grass and roll in the sand.

My caring family members are often asking me if I get lonely.  I spend most of my time working with people all day and come home to my furry friends.  If I am off for too many days in a row, then I can call family and friends or keep in touch on Facebook.  But nothing beats having kitties to cuddle with on a cold winter night.