This is my second post in the pet section of this blog. I introduced the pets that I had when I started this blog, and now I want to introduce the pets that I had when my family and I moved to our homestead. Pets are a gift from God to bring joy into our lives. I have always loved cats and we had come to the place where we had no cats. We lived in Fallbrook, CA which had its fair share of coyotes. Sometimes our naughty kitties would get out and not come back when called, and sadly the coyotes would get them. My children, Isaiah and Ivana, were wanting to get another cat. My husband and I were in agreement.
I think it was Isaiah that found an ad for a calico cat on Craig’s List. Calicos are my weakness, so we had to go see her. We were told that this cat was only good for a one cat family. Pebbles was being locked in the woman’s bedroom because she would terrorize the other female cat. Deep down, we didn’t believe that Pebbles could be so bad with all cats. The woman was a smoker and poor Pebbles had to endure the smoke. I believe that we rescued her. I am thankful to the woman for recognizing that it wasn’t good to keep her locked up. We got her for free with all her toys and scratching post.

We all really loved Pebbles, but was she really all that ferocious? Don’t worry! She is just yawning in the above picture. We wanted to get another cat. Pebbles was just going to have to learn to get along with it. My husband liked orange tigers, and so we got Tigger. I don’t have any pictures of him, but I can say that Pebbles did not like this new kitten intruding into her life. He was so resilient. She would hiss at him and smack him. I would tell her to be nice and eventually, she did get used to him. Sadly, he was only with us for a year. He probably swallowed something that perforated his intestines. We loved our little friend and a few thousand dollars were spent to save him and he died anyway. Pebbles was happy to be alone again. She loved to get all the attention.

Isaiah really loved Pebbles and he gave her the nickname of Poosoos. I called her Pebbles Pumpkin. The woman that we got her from came to visit with her son or grandson. When I called Pebbles, Pebbles Pumpkin and he was so offended. He had to tell me that her name was “Pebbles.” The woman wanted to hold Pebbles, but Pebbles didn’t want to see her. She may have been terrified that we were giving her back. Her former owner also had on a strong perfume to cover her cigarette smell. Whatever it was, Pebbles was not agreeable to this visit. I assured Pebbles ,after they left, that I would never make her go back to that cigarette smoke-filled home.
Below is Ivana giving Pebbles lots of love. Pebbles was not going to be alone for long. In the next post, I will introduce our next rescue, a kitten.