Do Christian Physicians Compromise?
This is part 3 of a letter written by my grandfather, A.W. Truman M.D in 1955. In this section of the letter entitled, “God’s Design in our Sanitariums,” Doctor Truman looks at the problems of compromise in Christian Physicians, sanitariums, and hospitals and gives them a rebuke for the high fees they charge. I have added some subheadings and split some paragraphs for easier readability.
Compromise. The Devil’s Toboggan Slide to Ruin!
“I am instructed to say that in our educational work (a sanitarium is an educational institution for giving light to the world) there is to be no compromise in order to meet the world’s standards. God’s commandment-keeping people are not to unite with the world, to carry on various lines of work according to worldly plans and worldly wisdom. Our people are now being tested as to whether they will obtain their wisdom from the Greatest Teacher the world ever knew or seek to the god of Ekron.” Let us determine that we will not be tied by so much as a thread to the educational policies of those who do not discern the voice of God, and who will not hearken to His commandments.” LLMss 25.
In our sanitarium work, are we being bound by threads or with chains of forged steel? My Brethren, should we not make rapid and vigorous moves to emancipate and free our institutions from these strangling alliances before the world’s web imprisons us like a spider-encased fly?
Christian Physicians Should Be Self-denying.
“The work of the Christian physician is to bear on its face the nature of self-denial, and not have even the appearance of fraud and extortion.–The character and destiny of a man are determined by the principles which control his actions. Selfishness is the attribute of Satan.– A multitude of sins have been covered under the profession of medicine, although there has been a witness to every unholy action, a just verdict rendered in the decision of every case. Many things that are thought lawful in this profession (are) unlawful and need the small cords in the hand of Christ that they may be driven out.”
“Many good and merciful acts have been done by practicing physicians, for they have a broad field in which to work, but I was shown that as a general thing the medical profession as a body has become a den of thieves (Would to God all S.D.A. physicians were free from this charge, but we are not. Far too many of our physicians live and work by the Gold Standard.) In connection with the cause of God, the profession of medicine is to be beautified by the presence of Christ, for He would cooperate with the physician who professes His name, but when men become extortioners, all He can do is to drive them from His courts.” Drs. Sutherland, Magan, Paulson, and Spalding Collection from E.G. White Writings, p. 82.
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There Ought to be a Hell for Non-Christian Physicians
A few days ago, in the New York area, I was speaking with an S.D.A. sister who had been very ill. She informed me that recently, because of serious kidney complications, it became necessary to follow the counsel of her physician and have a therapeutic interruption of pregnancy. In properly regulated hospitals, three additional signatures of physicians are required for this procedure. The sister was obliged to pay each of the three physicians $75.00 for signing his name to the “consent sheet.” Said a great preacher in my hearing, “If there isn’t a Hell, there ought to be.”
Christian Physicians Do Not Perform Unnecessary Surgeries
Under the caption CANCER ECONOMICS, there is discussed a recent interview of a reporter with Dr. Paul R. Hawley, former president of the American College of Surgeons. “Economically cancer is one of the most important diseases to both doctor and patient. To the former the flow of money is ‘in’; to the latter, the flow is ‘out’.
It is no less than astounding that a surgical procedure which hardly has one long-term survival to boast of is still followed if the patient can afford it.– Dr. Paul Hawley told a reporter that one — would be shocked at the amount of unnecessary surgery that is performed. The reporter asked: ‘Why do you suppose a doctor makes an unnecessary operation?’ ‘Money,’ Dr. Hawley replied, ‘just plain dishonest money-making.’ ‘Do you think there are doctors who would do this just for the sake of money?’ the interviewer pressed. Said Dr. Hawley, ‘I don’t think it, I know it, and I can prove it.’ ” U.S. News and World Report, 2:20:53.
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Everyone needs to read the following two books and follow the information contained in them to have great health.
Should Christian Physicians be Gold Diggers?
For many years, surgery has been my professional field. I hold a lifetime Fellowship in the American College and in the International College of Surgeons. I have been around a bit, and could also make some shocking disclosures. The life-saving science of surgery has largely degenerated into a money-making racket by the gold diggers. Far too many operations are performed upon the patient’s pocketbook for the benefit of the doctor rather than for the benefit of the patient. Yes, a serious charge, and there are noble exceptions.
S.D.A. Missionary Sanitarium Vs. Mercenary Community Hospital
There is a wide difference between an S.D.A. missionary sanitarium and a mercenary community hospital. A hospital is a place to go to have something cut out. A sanitarium is a place to go to have something put in (health education) so you will not need to have something cut out. “Eighty percent of the surgery at the Mayo Clinic is upon the stomach and related digestive organs.”
Have Christian Physicians Become Thieves?
“It is written, my house shall be called a house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” the same words are applicable to many practicing physicians who are called Christians. The medical profession is no less under the jurisdiction of the Lord, under the rule of the standard of righteousness, than is the farmer, the merchant, or the minister of the gospel.
Physician’s Pay Controlled by Christian Principles
The physician is as much under obligation to represent pure and undefiled religion in his business transactions as is any other man in his profession. He is required to love and obey God, to relieve the sick and afflicted for Christ’s sake. The question as to whether the medical profession is to be controlled by Christian principles in regard to compensation, or by the selfish standards of the world, has long been ignored but can be ignored no longer.
Should Christian Physicians Have High Salaries?
“Is the world to see no representatives of Christianity in the medical profession? And in those who occupy positions of trust in our institutions?– The people have long been afflicted with unconverted men, who have acted independently of the church, and have followed their own unsanctified judgment, and imperiled our institutions, by their unsanctified independence.”
Christian Physicians Shouldn’t Charge More than a Minister
“Christ may be represented in the character and action of every physician, and all who claim to be Christians should expect to work as He worked, having a fair price for their services, and exacting no more, although they see that they could obtain more by following the selfish customs of the world. It is just as consistent for the minister of the gospel to demand an excessive salary for visiting the sick, comforting the sorrowing, bringing peace and joy to the oppressed, as for the physician to make large charges for his professional visits.” E.G. White Letter 41, 1890.
Christian Physicians are Unequally Yoked with Gold Diggers
Brethren: Because of certain wrong policies I have been for decades “unequally yoked together” with these gold diggers (there are a few notable exceptions) in our sanitariums. But Brethren reason, “we cannot secure S.D. A. physicians for our sanitariums.” May we discuss some pertinent reasons later, and suggest a workable plan to remedy this tragic impasse?
Christian Physicians Serving under an Administrator
We decided to measure the success of a sanitarium almost solely by a financial yardstick, and the future reputation of the “Administrator” (A term neither found nor indicated in the Divine blueprint) would depend upon the financial showing “he” would ring up on the cash register. One would search in vain through the Divine specifications for any reference to such a yardstick as one of the measuring rods with which to determine the success of a medical missionary enterprise. One might as well try to gauge the success of the ministry of Christ by the dollar sign; for a sanitarium is in a special sense His “House of Representatives” for giving light to the world. “This institution is not to be established for the object of gain.” 1T 564.
Child Not Seen Due to Father’s Lack of Finances
While serving as medical director of a large sanitarium in the East, a child was brought in who had been attacked and lacerated by a vicious dog. The father was unable to meet the financial demands and the child was sent away bleeding without so much as a “bandaid.” No physician or nurse saw the child. The first I learned of the case was when the incident was reported at a regular meeting of the County Medical Society. I was almost consumed with shame and humiliation. “Efficiency” with a vengeance! A medical missionary institution! You do not like this recital? Neither do I, but I detest a merciless, pitiless, hidebound financial policy that could make such an incident possible far more. If our Divine Master were here, would He not again drive this unholy commercial traffic out of these missionary Temples of Healing and Health?
Christian Physicians Responsible for Sanitarium Goals
And then, “we cannot secure self-sacrificing physicians to serve in our institutions.” Let us clean house; accord these physicians their just and proper self-respecting sphere, then hold THEM responsible for achieving the educational and missionary goals of the sanitarium, and at the same time making the institution self-sustaining.
Roman Catholic Hospital Sign Needed
In a large Roman Catholic Hospital established by the People’s Padre in Tucson, Arizona, there is prominently displayed this sign:–EMERGENCY TREATMENT IS TO BE ADMINISTERED BEFORE ANY FINANCIAL QUESTIONS ARE ASKED.– If we could spare the ink, perhaps we might with “profit” copy this sign. Are we not in real danger, as did the Jews, of exchanging the prophets for the profits?
How is the Atmosphere of the Sanitarium?
The greatest thing in a sanitarium is the atmosphere, the spirit of the place, and this atmosphere is as real as the air we breathe. How about the atmosphere in your institution? Is it friendly, kindly, unselfish, missionary, how can we serve you, what can we do for you, how much can we give you; or is it chilly, grasping, commercial, mercenary, how much can we get from you, and get all we can get from you?
Can a Non-Christian Physician Achieve Sanitarium Goals?
Is it possible for a Godless, Christless practitioner of medicine to make any greater contribution toward achieving the basic objectives of our Christian sanitarium medical ministry than can a modernist, semi-apostate preacher, toward achieving the evangelistic goals of the church?
A few worldly-wise but uninformed, rather badly misinformed men declare, “medicine is a science, and a well educated (but Christless) Jewish doctor (a god-defying) atheist, an infidel (or hypnotist) M.D. or a Pagan, if scientifically educated, can practice as high and successful a type of medicine in our medical institutions, as can a Christian S.D.A. Physician.” Specious reasoning.
Christ is by the Side of Christian Physicians.
Such a concept and assertion greatly dishonors “Christ, the True Head of the Medical Profession.” What does such a concept do with the fact that “Christ is at the side of every God-fearing practitioner who works to relieve human suffering”– and “that which the physician can only aid in doing, Christ accomplishes.” MH 111. This Satanic-inspired concept downgrades Christ’s power of healing to the human level and makes a farce of His declared willingness and design to cooperate with those who serve and who cooperate with Him.
Lack of Spiritual Vision for Sanitarium Ministry
Such a concept betrays a depth of lack of spiritual vision for S.D.A. sanitarium ministry, exceeded only by the bleached-out white fish of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, which through many generations of total darkness in “Echo River” nearly 400 feet below the surface, have lost not only their eyesight but also their eyes. Does not such an amazing concept and allegation betray complete unfitness for leadership of our medical institutions?
The Christian Physician’s Work Demonstrates the Gospel
The work of the Christian physician is the “Gospel in Demonstration,” the gospel in shoes, the “Gospel in Practice.” And think you the old “murderer from the beginning” has changed his occupation, and that now “since times have changed,” the Devil and “those to whom he is giving his orders” have just as much power to heal the diseases, the distractions and the wounds of a world as has that man who is yoked up with Christ the Divine Physician?
The ministry of the work is the Gospel preached; “medical missionary work,” sanitarium work, rightly conducted, “is the gospel practiced.” 8T 168.
If the Devil’s Crowd Can Be in Medical Work, Why not let Them Preach?
If the Devil’s crowd can practice the gospel in our sanitariums or hospitals quite as well as Christian medical missionaries, perhaps they might do quite as well preaching it.
Why not suggest and establish some comparable church “policies” which would “require” our preachers to yoke up in their pulpits with Catholic Priests, Christ-hating Rabbis, semi-apostate modernist preachers, and spiritualists. They might thus have larger congregations and secure “more patronage,” “Consistency, thou are indeed a jewel.”
To Loma Linda it was written, “if God will bless the treatments (drugs?) given and Christ will let his healing power be felt, a wonderful work will be accomplished.” LLMss 3.