This is part two of Dr. A.W. Truman’s letter where he addresses how sanitarium work began, how this ministry was patterned after Christ’s life, and how Satan has been invited to help with this ministry.  If you missed part one, you can catch up by clicking the link.

Watch the Video

You can watch the video or read this portion of the letter that I have typed out.  Feel free to comment below if you know anything about this subject.  If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my blog and also my YouTube channel by clicking below on the video where it says watch on YouTube.

Divine Light Begins a Chain of Sanitariums

How did S.D.A.s come to begin sanitarium work? It was the result of “light” which “came.” This Divine Light which led God’s people to establish sanitariums came as a great Christmas gift to the church in a vision on December 25, 1865.

We read, “When the light came that we should have a sanitarium the reason was plainly given. There were many who needed to be educated in regard to healthful living. A place must be provided to which the sick could be taken, where they could be taught how to live so as to preserve health (is this that which now receives emphasis?). At the same time, light was given that the sick could be successfully treated without drugs. This was the lesson that was to be practiced and taught by physicians (what physicians, the drug dispensers?), nurses, and by all other medical missionary workers. Drugs were to be discarded because when they are taken into the system, their after effect is very injurious.” LLM 46.

Christ’s Life – A Pattern for Sanitarium Ministry

“Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages, healing the sick; He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary work that he began.– Institutions for the care of the sick are to be established where men and women suffering from disease may be placed under the care of God-fearing physicians (what kind of physicians? Godless, Christless, agnostic infidel, atheist physicians, with few exceptions.) and nurses and be treated without drugs.”

Christ was a mobile sanitarium. Plainly, S.D.A. sanitariums are among the chief agencies which are to take over where Christ left off, and are “to carry forward” to completion “the medical missionary work which He began.”

Invitation to Satan to Join Christ’s Healing Ministry

May God in mercy open our scaled and blinded eyes to discover the hopeless futility of achieving any of these exalted educational, reformatory, and spiritual ideals and designs under our present program. It is like inviting our adversary and his host of evil angels to come in and join with us in carrying forward our Lord’s healing ministry. Do you say that is too strong? Listen– “There is danger in their attaching themselves to worldly institutions, and working under the ministrations of worldly physicians.  Satan is giving his orders to those whom he has led to depart from the faith.” LLM 26.

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Divine Healing Power Vs. Satan’s Electric Currents

“Shall we unite ourselves with those that are full of error, who have no respect for God’s commandments, and shall our (medical) students go forth to obtain the finishing touches of their education from them?– Take your position that you will not unite with those that do not respect God’s commandments.”  LLMs 22.

“His agents still claim to cure disease. They attribute their power to electricity, magnetism, or the so-called sympathetic remedies. In truth, they are but channels for Satan’s electric currents.”

Hypnosis in Medicine

A false mind therapy and hypnotic science are sweeping through the ranks of the medical profession. Hypnosis for anesthesia; Hypnosis for surgery even hypnotic surgical procedures; Hypnosis for obstetrics. This Satanic science is taking the medical profession by storm.

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Just a simple search on hypnosis in surgery brought up this book.  I don’t recommend that you buy it.  It shows that it is being done.

S.D.As Are Outvoted

Only recently, a godless medical staff, greatly outnumbering the Adventist members, voted hypnosis into a hospital that was owned and operated by an S.D. A. physician. Voted it in, over the personal protest of the Adventist owner and operator of the institution. Does this not help you to see whither our present man-made program and policies are driving us?

Incidentally, as illustrated in the above case, is it a wise and safe policy to accept state money to build or to rebuild S.D.A. church institutions? Will not this money ultimately mean dual control; and with our hospitals largely staffed with non-S.D.A. physicians, does not the future hold rather gloomy prospects for achieving the true “designs” and objectives of our sanitarium ministry?

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I am not aware of hypnosis being used for surgery in any S.D.A. hospitals today. I sure hope that was removed by now. If anyone knows anything about it, please comment below. I am saddened and shocked to think that Satan is directing our medical institutions.  We need to be in prayer for revival and reformation or we are left with waiting for God’s judgements to fall again. He has been very merciful to delay them for so long. God will purify the work.