Trusting God to Create in 7 Days

Trusting God to Create in 7 Days

Trusting in divine power for healing isn’t possible if we distrust God’s written word.  If God can’t create this earth and solar system in 7 days, how are we going to trust Him to heal us?  If any thought at all is given to God starting things and...
Trusting the Creator God

Trusting the Creator God

In order to trust God for health and healing, it helps to know that he is the creator through His Son.  Christ not only created this world and everything in it, but He is the Great Physician that has never lost a case.  He wants us to have health.  We often get sick...
To Trust in Divine Power You Must Know God

To Trust in Divine Power You Must Know God

“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power—these are the true remedies.”  EGW in The Ministry of Healing p.127. Did you see that?  Trusting in divine power is a natural remedy.  This remedy is...