In part 2 of this health message letter, A. W. Truman M. D. shares a serious study showing that God’s people need to obey His health laws. Tips of Appreciation To Break Health Laws Is Sin “If we close our eyes to the light for fear we shall see our wrongs,...
This health message letter was written by A. W. Truman M.D. to the brethren of the Executive Committee of the General Conference of SDAs. A. W. Truman is my Grandfather, and he wrote this letter in 1952 emphasizing the health reform message rejection as a reason for...
When packaging says 100% juice, have you ever been tricked into buying a product loaded with sugar? I do not want you to be fooled as I was. 100% Juice I was in one of those moods to shop and see if I was missing out on something healthy in Costco. Walking down the...
How to naturally treat tissue damage with the resulting swelling and pain will be the focus of this post. I had the opportunity to try these methods on my own tissue damage acquired after my ladder fell dumping me on a fence. Causes of Tissue Damage Tissue Damage can...
Fixing 1″ and 2″ PVC pipes is easy, but it can be intimidating to tackle fixing or installing a 4″ cleanout. I will show you how. Fixing 1″ and 2″ PVC pipes is easy, but it can be intimidating to tackle fixing or installing a 4″...
This is part 6 of my Grandfather’s (A.W. Truman, M.D.) letter to medical leaders and personnel to encourage a return to God’s design for sanitariums. I wanted to include the rest of the letter here for you, but it may be too long. In today’s video,...
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