Sometimes when we are in the depths of sadness, a Bible verse will come to our minds as a word from God to comfort our souls.  I had just seen a relationship come to a tragic end and just could not understand how something that started out so right could end so wrong.  Romans 8:28 came to mind and as I was driving on the highway, this song came to me and I began to sing it to convince myself that the words were true.  Proverbs 3:5,6 also came to mind and these verses were added to the song.   Bible promises are the sword that we can use in our spiritual battle against Satan.  Without this sword, we would be left to suffer under a dark cloud of oppression.  But, praise be to God!  He has made a way of escape and given us a weapon to fight back.

Please remember that every trial has something in it that is for our good.  Trials can build our faith and trust in God.  If we are chosen to go through the time of trouble, we will need trials that will prepare us for that time.

In this first video, I sang this song for the Feast of Tabernacles celebration at Terra Bella in 2017.  In the second video, I sang at the Redding SDA Church in January of 2019.  My dear friend videoed with my cellphone and since she is older, she had difficulty holding it stable.  I appreciated her attempt and used my tripod for the next song.  I hope you will commit to learning this song so you can add it to your spiritual warfare weapon arsenal.